Course Project
Course Project
The objective of this project was to redesign a reference book of our choice and to re-position the book as a
design-driven, experimental visual reference book that reflects the lifestyle of a young, eclectic, and design-conscious audience. The reference book that I chose is called Just 4 Things by Linda Doeser. The original book (view at the bottom of this page) was published in 2007 but it looks like it was designed in the 1990’s. So, this selection was
perfect for re-positioning for a newer audience. The concept of the recipe book focuses on recipes that you can
make using just four ingredients that may be found lying around the house.
Audience: Creative, design-conscious, busy young-adults
Course: Publication with Kinda Murphy

In the re-design, I utilized interesting and unique page shapes that are not typically found in recipe books to make it stand out and be something the audience has never seen before or experienced. The design is experimental and quirky for this type of reference book, while still being accessible enough to use if needed.

Original book cover ︎︎︎